Chelsea and I spent about 5 hours again last night working out her song Reveal to Heal. The strumming is definitely more difficult than You, Me, & Sky, but that's totally fine. It's gonna sound really great. It kinda stinks that we figured out we can do this the weekend before the last week of classes which is followed by finals week... I mean, it's good in one sense because it's a good release and we have summer coming up, but for these two weeks, it's going to be really hard to focus on school. I'm super excited for next year though because we're gonna put a music corner in our room that's just meant for writing stuff. Plus, this summer we're going to have the use of my awesome piano at my house!! Totally excited for that :) and my mom is awesome at this stuff so she'll be a big help too. I hope I have time with the three jobs I'm planning on having and the class I'm taking and my volleyball workouts every day... I'll definitely find time though because this is so much fun and super important to me.
We got You, Me, & Sky recorded on our friend's computer and converted it to an iTunes file so Some Chick is on my iPod. (hahahaha. kills me every time.) It's not perfect, but then again, we're playing in my dorm room on a Windows Media file so it's not exactly professional or anything. That's ok. I know a few people that may be able to hook us up with something at least semi-legit. Chels is working on our album cover for the album that may never actually come about, but we enjoy being optimistic. It's called From Back Home. (get it?? some chick from back home hahaha.) but anyways, it's actually pretty legit cuz the songs that are on it kinda follow that theme anyways. I'm pretty excited. We're basically set on playing at Johnson Hall Coffeehouse next semester which is going to be awesome cuz we're gonna get a bunch of songs done this summer. :) Well, that's about all I have to say right now. Chels and I are gonna go to lunch and then we have class which will be loads of fun... not really, but it is cuz we're in there together and we basically just goof off the whole time lol. well, peace!!
First! Yay Chelsea and Katie!